RRC 2024 Annual Meeting
Join us for the 2024 Rural Resource Coalition (RRC) Annual Meeting on Wednesday, December 4 at Brookland Banquet & Conference Center in West Columbia, SC! Stay tuned for more details to come this year!
Join us for the 2024 Rural Resource Coalition (RRC) Annual Meeting on Wednesday, December 4 at Brookland Banquet & Conference Center in West Columbia, SC! Stay tuned for more details to come this year!
$30 million in funding is available - is your community ready?
SCACED's Broadband Digital Equity Series will convene nonprofit leaders to participate in a broadband adoption effort. As $30 million in funding becomes available, this series will equip nonprofit leaders with the tools needed to leverage the funding to maximize adoption in their community. This series will address three critical focus areas during three lunch sessions:
Workforce development | Tuesday, September 11
Telehealth | Wednesday, September 12
K-12 digital literacy | Thursday, September 13
Following the series, attendees will receive broadband data specific to their community and a webinar covering the digital equity grant application. Each session will be held from 11:00AM - 1:00PM each day at Brookland Banquet & Conference Center.
Attendees will select which sessions they would like to attend. Tickets are $10 and lunch will be provided.
Calling all landowners! Join us for good food and conversation on Tuesday, August 20 in Lexington, SC for our Landowner Resource Workshop! We will discuss the USDA's EQIP/CSP application process, Seasonal High Tunnel grants, Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency matching grants, the Local Food Purchase Agreement Program, and other federal and state funding opportunities to help rural communities. A free plated dinner will be served!
GIVEAWAY: The first 20 registrants who show up to the event will each receive a free $25 VISA gift card!
Are you a member of your local electric cooperative? If so, you're invited to participate in the South Carolina Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program (SCECEP)! The SCECEP is a series of community engagement events that educate community leaders on how they can serve on the Board of Trustees of their local electric cooperative.
Join us in Blackville, SC on July 23!
These workshop will cover:
How electric cooperatives serve and operate in their communities
The role of the Board of Trustees on electric cooperatives
How attendees can run for election on their local electric cooperative's Board of Trustees
The first 25 landowners to show up at the event will receive a $25 Visa gift card!
**Must register and attend to receive the gift card**
A catered dinner will be served!
DOOR PRIZES *must be resident of South Carolina to be eligible*
Three attendees will be chosen at random to receive one of the door prizes below. One of each of the door prizes will be awarded at each session.
Are you a member of your local electric cooperative? If so, you're invited to participate in the South Carolina Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program (SCECEP)! The SCECEP is a series of community engagement events that educate community leaders on how they can serve on the Board of Trustees of their local electric cooperative.
Join us virtually for this workshop on June 25!
These workshop will cover:
How electric cooperatives serve and operate in their communities
The role of the Board of Trustees on electric cooperatives
How attendees can run for election on their local electric cooperative's Board of Trustees
The first 25 registrants log in and attend the virtual workshop will receive a $10 Subway gift card!
Three attendees will be chosen at random to receive one of the door prizes below. *Must register and attend to be eligible to win door prize.*
Calling all landowners! Join us for good food and conversation on Tuesday, May 21 in Dillon, SC for our Landowner Resource Workshop! Over a plated dinner, we will discuss the USDA's EQIP/CSP application process, Seasonal High Tunnel grants, Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency matching grants, the Local Food Purchase Agreement Program, and other federal and state funding opportunities to help rural communities.
GIVEAWAY: The first 20 registrants who show up to the event will each receive a free $25 VISA gift card!
**Must register AND attend the workshop to receive the giveaway.**
Are you a member of your local electric cooperative? If so, you're invited to participate in the South Carolina Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program (SCECEP)! The SCECEP is a series of community engagement events that educate community leaders on how they can serve on the Board of Trustees of their local electric cooperative.
Join us virtually for this workshop on April 30!
These workshop will cover:
How electric cooperatives serve and operate in their communities
The role of the Board of Trustees on electric cooperatives
How attendees can run for election on their local electric cooperative's Board of Trustees
The first 25 registrants log in and attend the virtual workshop will receive a $10 Subway gift card!
Three attendees will be chosen at random to receive one of the door prizes below. *Must register and attend to be eligible to win door prize.*
Are you a member of your local electric cooperative? If so, you're invited to participate in the South Carolina Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program (SCECEP)! The SCECEP is a series of community engagement events that educate community leaders on how they can serve on the Board of Trustees of their local electric cooperative.
Join us virtually for these workshops on March 26 and April 30!
These workshop will cover:
How electric cooperatives serve and operate in their communities
The role of the Board of Trustees on electric cooperatives
How attendees can run for election on their local electric cooperative's Board of Trustees
The first 25 registrants log in and attend the virtual workshop will receive a $10 Subway gift card!
Three attendees will be chosen at random to receive one of the door prizes below. *Must register and attend to be eligible to win door prize.*
Join us at Brookland Banquet & Conference Center in West Columbia on Wednesday, December 6 for our 2023 Annual Meeting! Our annual meeting is a chance for leaders from conservation, farming, forestry, tourism, and community economic development to meet, reconnect, and discover new ways to work together. At this gathering, you’ll hear from partners about recent successes and emerging opportunities to advance our vision of rural prosperity.
With emphasis on spurring wealth creation from within rural communities, the RRC works to create a stronger South Carolina rural economy through: local food markets, working farm and forest conservation, affordable housing, renewable energy, place-based tourism, and more.
Join us for a free, virtual Landowner Resources Workshop where you'll learn about the Farm to School Program. The Farm to School programis an effort to connect schools (K - 12) with regional or local farms to serve healthy meals using locally produced foods. Farm to School activities may vary from community to community depending upon demographics; however, the basic goals remain the same:
To meet the diverse needs of school nutrition programs in an efficient manner.
To support regional and local farmers and thereby strengthen local food systems.
To provide support for health and nutrition education.
Additional regional resource providers will also be in attendance to provide relevant resource materials to attendees as well.
Registration is required.
The Landowner Resources Workshops are designed to teach landowners about USDA NRCS funding programs available to enhance their land, expand market opportunities, how to increase profitability, starting an agricultural business, agri-heritage tourism, conservation planning, and the EQUIP/CSP application process & implementation.
This workshop will cover:
Funding available
Project supported: reseeding, seasonal high tunnels, irrigation, fencing, livestock systems, and more!
Application Process and Implementation
Limited capacity; therefore, registration is required to attend.
Join us for a free, in-person Landowner Resources Workshop where you'll learn about the USDA-NRCS' Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) which helps landowners protect, restore, and enhance their land. The program provides long-term easements for both grasslands and wetlands that protect property from being converted to non-agricultural use.
The conservation easement helps landowners continue to own their land and pass down the land to future generations if so desired. Benefits of the ACEP include:
Protects land from development and other non-agricultural uses
Pays landowners to maintain ownership and keep land for agricultural purposes
Improves water and air quality
Protects forage and wildlife
A USDA-NRCS representative will serve as guest speaker who will discuss the details of ACEP and how to apply and enroll in the program. A free dinner will be provided and limited seats are available. Registration is required.
GIVEAWAY: The first 20 registrants who show up to the event will each receive a free $25 VISA gift card!
DOOR PRIZE: Five door prizes will be randomly given to attendees that include gift baskets containing locally grown fruits and vegetables.
**Must register AND attend the workshop to receive the giveaway and chance to win the door prizes.**
Our annual meeting is a chance for leaders from conservation, farming, forestry, tourism, and community economic development to meet, reconnect, and discover new ways to work together. At this gathering, you’ll hear from partners about recent successes and emerging opportunities to advance our vision of rural prosperity.
With emphasis on spurring wealth creation from within rural communities, the RRC works to create a stronger South Carolina rural economy through: local food markets, working farm and forest conservation, affordable housing, renewable energy, place-based tourism, and more.
What's on Rural Kitchen Table: Food, Housing & Energy
9:00-10:00 AM Networking Breakfast with Exhibitors
10:00-10:10 AM Welcoming Remarks
10:10 - 10:20 AM Performing Arts
10:20 - 10:30 AM Local Food System Network Subcommittee Video Presentation
Matt Kneece, South Carolina Policy Coordinator Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
10:30 -11:20 AM Food Access and Insecurity Panel Discussion with Q&A
11:20 - 11:30 AM Heritage Place Based Tourism Subcommittee Video Presentation
Peach Morrison, Executive Director SC Lowcountry & Resort Island Tourism Commission, SCATR
11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Rural Housing Panel Discussion with Q&A
12:20 - 1:30 PM Networking Lunch
1:30 - 1:40 PM Access to Broadband Subcommittee Video Presentation
Jim Stritzinger, Director South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff - Broadband Division
1:40 - 2:30 PM Energy Justice Panel Discussion with Q&A
2:30 PM Award Presentation & Closing Remarks
"Power of Rural Award" - from SC Office of Rural Health
Interested in learning about USDA-NRCS funding programs available to enhance your land? Join us virtually on Tuesday, September 27 to learn about the types of funding available and different projects supported. We’ll also walk through the application and implementation processes.
This workshop will cover:
Funding available
Project supported: reseeding, seasonal high tunnels, irrigation, fencing, livestock systems, and more!
Application Process and Implementation
Dinner will be provided! Space is limited; therefore, registration is required to attend.
For questions, please reach out to Ken Harvin ken@scaced.org.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties, contact Samuel Bass at sdbass@cmeoc.org.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties, contact Samuel Bass at sdbass@cmeoc.org.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties, contact Samuel Bass at sdbass@cmeoc.org.
Interested in learning about USDA-NRCS funding programs available to enhance your land? Join us at Brookland Banquet & Conference Center in West Columbia on August 25 to learn about the types of funding available and different projects supported. We’ll also walk through the application and implementation processes.
This workshop will cover:
Funding available
Project supported: reseeding, seasonal high tunnels, irrigation, fencing, livestock systems, and more!
Application Process and Implementation
Dinner will be provided! Space is limited; therefore, registration is required to attend.
For questions, please reach out to Ken Harvin ken@scaced.org.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Williamsburg County, contact Charlie K. Fulton at ckfulton06@gmail.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Williamsburg County, contact Charlie K. Fulton at ckfulton06@gmail.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Williamsburg County, contact Charlie K. Fulton at ckfulton06@gmail.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Dillon County, contact Johnnie P. Luehrs at jcpwl@yahoo.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Dillon County, contact Johnnie P. Luehrs at jcpwl@yahoo.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Dillon County, contact Johnnie P. Luehrs at jcpwl@yahoo.com.
SCACED, in partnership with The Conservation Fund and Resourceful Communities, is hosting its third Landowners 101 session to provide tailored consultation and assistance to address the specific challenges and needs of each attendee. Designed for landowners with four (4) acres or more, the training session will help landowners:
Understand their property tax assessment bill and tax benefits
Understand their type of property deed
Learn about their property rights
Learn about resources to help landowners
With the help of a land professional guiding the session, landowners who register will receive their personal property information package for a virtual walk-through of the issues and concerns specific to their land and experiences.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Jasper County, contact Ted Moyd at jcunited@bargray.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Jasper County, contact Ted Moyd at jcunited@bargray.com.
The Broadband Community Champion Training program teaches participants how they can work with service providers, government agencies, and community leaders to bring high-speed broadband access to your community.
To learn more about the program in Jasper County, contact Ted Moyd at jcunited@bargray.com.
Join us for Rural Resource Coalition’s Annual meeting as we meet virtually to focus on Resiliency: The Past, Present & Future of Conservation, Culture & Tourism of Rural South Carolina.
Agenda and Speakers
Jennie Stephens, RRC Co-Chair, Executive Director, Center for Heirs' Property Preservation
9:10 – 10:00 AM TOURISM
Moderator: Peach Morrison, South Carolina Lowcountry & Resort Island Tourism Commission
Doug Bostick, Executive Director/CEO, South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust, Liberty Trail
Paul McCormack, State Director of State Park Services, SC PRT
Mary Roe, Executive Director & Director Programs and Development, Palmetto Conservation Foundation
10:00 – 10:05 AM BREAK
10:05 – 11:00 AM CULTURE
Moderator: Susan DuPlessis, SC Arts Commission
Chef B.J. Dennis, Gullah Geechee Culture Cuisine
Wenonah Haire, Catawba Nation, Digital Engagement Specialist
Betty W. McDaniel, BA, MEd, PhD
Victoria Smalls, Executive Director, Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor, National Heritage Area
11:00 - 11:05 AM BREAK
11:05 – 11:40 AM CONSERVATION
Moderator: Dale Threatt-Taylor, The Nature Conservancy
Ben Duncan, Chief Resilience Officer, SC Office of Resilience
Chairman Tom Mullikin, South Carolina Floodwater Commission
Jim Stritzinger, Broadband Director, State of South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff
David Harper, RRC Co-Chair, Founder & CEO, Land in Common
About RRC's Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting is a chance for leaders from conservation, farming, forestry, tourism, and community economic development to meet, reconnect, and discover new ways to work together. You’ll hear from partners about recent successes and emerging opportunities to advance our vision of rural prosperity.
With emphasis on spurring wealth creation from within rural communities, the RRC works to create a stronger South Carolina rural economy through: local food markets, working farm and forest conservation, affordable housing, renewable energy, place-based tourism, and more.
SCACED Virtual Landowner 201 workshop in partnership with the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation of South Carolina and The Conservation Fund will offer information on heirs’ property, sustainable forestry and how to successfully access USDA resources. Through this educational seminars attendees will increase their knowledge of the center’s work to include: 1) what heirs’ property is and isn’t; 2) the importance of having a will drafted; 3) tax policies and procedures; 4) the steps needed to be taken to resolve HP issues; and 5) how to increase income from your forestland through sustainable forest management.
For questions please reach out to Ken Harvin ken@scaced.org.